An Unnecessary Argument
Stop fighting against what you don’t want. Instead champion the ideal of what you do want.
“I was once asked why I don’t participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I’ll be there” — Mother Teresa
Attempting to correct another person yields nothing of real value. It only satisfies the ego. It will not get the other person to change his/her mind. The only people it will attract are those of the same opinion. It’s watching the same meme get reposted thousands of times on social media. The only outcome is the hollow gratification of angering those opposed to it and receiving validation from those that share the same ideals. If you derive pleasure from feeling anger or making others angry you only distance yourself from your cause and, more importantly, harm yourself. The more emotionally charged the person, the further that person is from a competent decision.
If there is a position or ideal that you resonate with, then promote it. Understand its implications to all that it would affect. Observe it from every perspective so you can better understand why another would dissent. Focus on the aspects that appeal to you, and simply hold on to them. Don’t blindly follow an ideal simply because your emotional reaction drives you. When you do, you are fulfilling someone else’s goal.
Ultimately, when you become so emotionally tied to a particular ideal (regardless of how you arrived there) you will resist any argument to change that position. When you get to that point, you don’t need to defend or justify it; yet you do. You know there are others on the opposite side that are just as firm in their position. Putting your energy to try and convince them to see your point of view is an absolute waste. They only harden their stance and argue back with just as much rage as you are sending.
If you truly own your position, then you don’t need to prove it to anyone. If you want to commune with likeminded people, they won’t be hard to find. You don’t have to be friends with everyone, but you definitely don’t have to find a reason to hate anyone. It’s a lot less energy to accept another person’s opinion than trying to change his or her mind.
You can only give out what you are inside. Your actions at any given time are the reflection of who you are in that moment.
Make your day great.